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Today is a New Day!

I was told on October 6th that I was being laid off from my job and my last day would won't believe this....Friday the 13th of October. Talk about bad luck!

Three things have happened since that day....

1. I got a phone call from a prestigious aerospace company last Monday Oct 9th with an offer to come work for them in a position that is right up my alley. On Friday they still had not sent the "official" letter with the job offer. They assure me it will be in my email inbox on Monday October 16th.

2. My Supervisor at my current job told me on Monday Oct 9th that he was 99% sure that the new contract for me would be signed and ready for me to work by Friday Oct 13th. That did not happen either. But instead of sending me home they feel so confident that it will be available Monday that they are letting me come to work tomorrow (10/16).

3. Because of the stress of items 1 and 2, I have not written for 11 days. Let me just say that again......I have not written for 11 days. I have let stress be my excuse not to write. Truthfully, I have been spending a lot of my time searching for a job. But seriously, I could have still written, right?

My goal is to write between 300 and 400 words a day. 300 to 400 words is about one page double spaced. So, I am recommitting myself to my daily writing goal; to all of you!

When you get knocked down, it's important to get back up and start again. And I am going to do just that. I won't focus on the 11 days missed. I won't beat myself up for not keeping my commitment. Today is a new day.

I am grateful to all of you out there who read my little blog and are silently supporting me on this journey! And I am grateful to those of you who aren't silent, too!!!

“The beginning is always today.” ― Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

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