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How Do We Find the Good in the Bad

During my book writing journey I have definitely had some successes and challenges. Both of which are good if I am looking at it from a learning perspective. The successes towards a goal feel good, build our confidence, and motivate us to keep going. Most of us have no problem with seeing the positive in the successes. However, when we have a challenge or a setback, it initially doesn’t feel good and can even reduce our confidence in our ability to obtain our goal. Human nature sees this as bad. And if we accept that this is bad, it can de-motivate us and ultimately, we give up on our goal.

But what if, we didn’t see it as bad? What if we saw it as an opportunity for growth? What if instead of beginning the barrage of self be-rating, we asked ourselves what can we learn at this moment?

So, how do we do see the good in the bad? One thing we can do is ask ourselves, “what can I be grateful for in this moment from this experience?” If we really look, there is always something to be grateful for.

My writing has really not been up to par this past few weeks. I am not on track to meet my current goal I have had a voice in my head that is telling me that I am just not good enough to write. I would call this one of those moments that is a challenge or setback, and my nature is to define this as bad.

Again, I have a choice to make. Am I going to let this setback spiral into convincing myself that I am not smart enough to write a book? Or am I going to find another way out of this setback that leaves me feeling better about myself and re-invigorates me to get back on my path to meet my goals?

Since I am in this writing slump, I took the opportunity to help a friend this weekend. I realized when I got home from helping my friend, that I was grateful that I was available to help her. And this reminded me of everything I have learned about gratitude. Gratitude can change our attitudes. Gratitude can change our focus. So, I asked myself, “What am I grateful for today about this book writing process?”

I am grateful that I am over halfway done with my first draft. I am grateful that I have learned a lot about 17th century history. I am grateful that I had time to help a friend. Just these three statements of gratitude have inspired me to keep taking baby steps towards my goal.

The other secret ingredient to my boost in self esteem is being of service to others. It was through helping my friend that triggered my thoughts of gratitude.


As we lose ourselves in the service of others we discover our own lives and our own happiness.” Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough?” Meister Eckhart


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