I Think I Can, I Think I Can, I Know I Can
When tackling a tough goal, it can be discouraging at times. And this is where I have been this week: In the midst of the discouragement. There are always several reasons not to write on any given day. Some are excuses; however, some reasons not to write are real. And I am choosing to be okay with that this week. I was out of town last weekend then headed into an extremely challenge week at work. I really was left with no energy to write at the end of each workday. I ask you, of what value is it to beat myself up for not writing four days in a row? Absolutely no value! If I beat myself up, then it will destroy my confidence in my ability to write a book. Then I might decide to just stop writing all together and ultimately to give up on my goal.
Life is about growth. Life is about expanding ourselves and our capabilities. Life is about exploring our edges. The best way to do all of this is to have goals that we work towards. Honestly it really doesn’t matter what the goal is. Any goal will do. A goal will provide you with the need to make a plan. A goal will provide you with a need to implement that plan. A goal really wouldn’t be of value if you didn’t encounter roadblocks and challenges along the way. Without roadblocks and challenges, how would you grow? How would you learn what you are fully capable of?
So today, I am embracing the challenges. I persevered through my challenging week without writing. Then over this past weekend I took the time to re-focus and start writing again. I feel like I never stopped writing. I feel accomplished in learning something about myself this weekend. I know that I can do what ever I set my mind to. It doesn’t need to be perfect. I just need to put one foot in front of the other and keep on going. I felt like the little ‘The Little Train that Could’ this week. I reminded myself many times that I think I can do this. Then, I pushed through this minor set back and discovered that “I know I can” do this.
“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” ― Maya Angelou