The Social Media Black Hole
September 2, 2024
I decided about 3 weeks ago that it was time for me to put myself out there on social media as an author. The first thing that I did was decide what pen name I wanted to use. My current last name is Smith, and I felt this name was too common. My maiden name is Easter, and this name has always been more memorable. From the time I was a kid, I got jabs about being a bunny, or an Easter egg. I finally settled on using my maiden name.
Then the second thing I did was create Facebook, Instagram and Threads accounts using my new pen name, P. elle Easter. These steps were pretty simple for a novice social media user like me.
Third, I have been exploring how to use social media accounts. I have posted to Facebook and Instagram on my personal accounts in the past. But these past few weeks, I’ve learned how to create a story and just today, I made my first real. What I am still trying to figure out is how to more efficiently link across my author social media platforms. One day, I spent over an hour on the phone with my one of my daughters to get some tips on Instagram. Each day, I can see my improved knowledge, but there is so much to learn. So, if you are following me on any of my author social media platforms, be patient as I improve my social media prowess.
I admit that my journey into the social media rabbit hole has distracted me from completing my book edits of “Until All is Forgiven”. A couple weeks back in my blog titled “First Draft of First Book Done!” I talked about my procrastination behaviors. This is definitely an ongoing challenge for me. Social media posting and scrolling is what I have been doing the past few weeks but let me now share what I am learning from my social media detour.
When I am dealing with an undesirable behavior, the first step to changing my behavior is awareness of the behavior and acknowledging it. Awareness allows me to:
· First, look at my limiting beliefs
· Second, challenge my limiting beliefs
· Finally, empowers me to make new choices
As of today, I have acknowledged my behavior of procrastination, and I am challenging it. However, I am still working on the new choices to make that will transform this behavior. But, with determination and will power, I know I will move beyond this perceived limitation.
“Awareness is always the first step.” ―Miguel Ruiz
“If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.” ―Louise Hay
“When we make conscious choices about how we will respond to difficult situations, we feel empowered.” ―Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
Don’t forget to follow me on:
Instagram: p.elle.easter
Facebook: P Elle Easter
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