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P. elle Easter
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What Do They Want?
I have been working on getting to know my characters. I have 3 main and 2 minor characters to get to know that are in the next part of...
How Do We Find the Good in the Bad
During my book writing journey I have definitely had some successes and challenges. Both of which are good if I am looking at it from a...
Stuck in the Mire
Since my last post, I have written twice. This is going to make it challenging to meet those goals I shared last week. I seem to find...
Give Yourself a Pat on the Back and Then Get Moving Again
At the beginning of the year, I started writing my book again after taking over a 2-year beak. I truly have a desire to finish this book...
I Did It!
Well, I did it! I finished the first of the two stories in my novel. I even wrote “the end” when I finished. I feel like this journey...
It Is What It Is
Have you ever laid out a plan to achieve a goal then have it go completely sideways? Talk about frustration. Do you ever wonder why your...
Let it Go
From the moment that I conceived Charlie’s story; I knew it would be centered around one word: Forgiveness. Forgiveness has been a...
I Think I Can, I Think I Can, I Know I Can
When tackling a tough goal, it can be discouraging at times. And this is where I have been this week: In the midst of the discouragement....
I Can See the Light at the End of the Tunnel
In case you are new to my blog site, you might not know that a few of my older blogs provide some previews to the book. So, check out a...
Jumping Hurdles
Last week, I mentioned limiting beliefs in my blog. I found another limiting belief this week (surprise, surprise): "Research is too hard...
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